Diary Dates 2024

Fr. 19 / Sat. 20 April 2024

Launch of Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom

April 2024
Leaflets with a competition entry form will be distributed widely and available at the Amelia Scott Culture Hub

May 2024
Deadline for sponsors to be integrated in publications Sponsorship Opportunities

June 2024
Closing date for returning competition entry forms
("Open Gardens" June 2024 - taking a break)

July 2024
Judging Period

September 2024
Awards Presentation
for the 'Best' categories

September 2024
Awards Presentation
for the Schools competition

October 2024
Thank you / Debriefing for organisers, participants, sponsors


There are great opportunities for sponsors. We have four levels of sponsorship.
They are tailored and could become a highly efficient advertisement tool for small and medium businesses.

Sponsorship Opportunities





in partnership with




27 February 2024

The competition 2024 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2024

1.) School GARDEN Competition
2.) ART competition - "Mammals in your park"
3.)'Blooming Marvellous' PHOTO competition - "Leaves"

Closing dates vary from end March to 15 November 2024.



16 March 2023

The competition 2023 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2023

1.) School GARDEN Competition
2.) ART competition - "British Garden Birds"
3.)'Blooming Marvellous' PHOTO competition - "Portrait of a Wildflower"

Closing dates vary from end March to end September 2023.



29 March 2022

The competition 2022 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2023

1.) SCHOOL GARDEN Competition
2.) ART competition - "Creepy Crawlies"
3.) Most Impressive "Bug Hotel" competition
4.)'Blooming Marvellous' PHOTO competition - "Living Water"

Closing dates vary from end March to end September 2022.



3 March 2021

The competition 2021 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2021

1.) SCHOOL GARDEN Competition
2.) ART competition - "Beautful Butterflies"
3.) 'Blooming Marvellous' PHOTO competition - "Buzzing Blooms"
additionally for 2021:
4.) South & South East in Bloom Schools Environmental Challenge

Closing dates vary from end March to end September 2021.



October 2020

Great news from Broadwater Down Primary School!
(during the ongoing situation with COVID-19)
Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom 2020 - celebrating 10 Years of RTW in Bloom

Broadwater Down Primary School was the only school to enter the South & South East in Bloom Schools Environmental Challenge 2020 from the whole region.
We reckon that means they are the winner!
Despite the difficult times back in the spring, the school managed to send their portfolio to the S&SEiB judges who were impressed with the information provided. A lot of work was done pre lockdown such as bird box making and tree planting. Broadwater Down, encouraged with this result, plans to enter the Schools Challenge again and have already started Forest School and outdoor learning.
We would like to congratulate the pupils, teachers and Penny Kift at Broadwater Down on their achievement - well done!

Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom Portfolio 2020 - South and Southeast in Bloom



25 March 2020

due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19
Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom 2020 - celebrating 10 Years of RTW in Bloom

There are changes/cancellations in 2020:
"School Garden" competition - CANCELLED
"Giant Beanstalk" (Runner Beans) competition - CANCELLED
"Mighty Moths" Art competition - going ahead
"Being 10" poems competition - going ahead
"Trees of Tunbridge Wells" photo competition - going ahead
RTW in Bloom - CANCELLATIONS and ongoing projects

The competition 2020 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet (published beginning 2020):
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2020



February 2019

The competition 2019 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2019

The School GARDEN and ART Competitions Entry Form can be used for:
"Enter the SCHOOL GARDEN Competition"
"Enter the GIANT BEANSTALK (Runner Beans) Competition"
"Enter the BEE ART Competition"
(closing date 1 June 2019)



July 2018

Blooming SCHOOL Competition displays at Library bedding
(corner Mount Pleasant/Civic Way and Monson Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells)

Schools' bee posters and the Crosspollination project



January 2018

The competition 2018 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2018

The School GARDEN and ART Competitions Entry Form can be used for:
"Enter the SCHOOL GARDEN Competition",
"Enter the TALLEST SUNFLOWER Competition",
"Enter the BEE ART Competition""
(closing date 1 June 2018)



March 2017

The competition 2017 is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2017
The School GARDEN and ART Competitions Entry Form
(closing date 1 June 2017)



September 2015

The competition for 2016, is open to all schools of Royal Tunbridge Wells.
All information is on this leaflet:
Blooming SCHOOL Competition 2016
- School ART Competition Entry Form (closing date 31 January 2016)
- School GARDEN Competition Entry Form (closing date 1 June 2016)







Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom wants to promote the achievements of young people in Royal Tunbridge Wells.

We have integrated some accomplishments right from the beginning to help us in the Awareness Campaign involving the flyer/poster/newsletter design and distribution.


Here are some of the amazing designs from Tunbridge Wells Girls Grammar School






Besides holding competitions to encourage members of the community to participate, there will be competitions for Primary Schools & Secondary Schools.


Download the Primary School Competition Application Form


Download the Senior School Competition Application Form