Diary Dates 2024

Fr. 19 / Sat. 20 April 2024

Launch of Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom

April 2024
Leaflets with a competition entry form will be distributed widely and available at the Amelia Scott Culture Hub

May 2024
Deadline for sponsors to be integrated in publications Sponsorship Opportunities

June 2024
Closing date for returning competition entry forms
("Open Gardens" June 2024 - taking a break)

July 2024
Judging Period

September 2024
Awards Presentation
for the 'Best' categories

September 2024
Awards Presentation
for the Schools competition

October 2024
Thank you / Debriefing for organisers, participants, sponsors


There are great opportunities for sponsors. We have four levels of sponsorship.
They are tailored and could become a highly efficient advertisement tool for small and medium businesses.

Sponsorship Opportunities





in partnership with

Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom Comittee and Contacts

Royal Tunbridge Wells - Town Entry Sign 2009



Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom

Postal address:
c/o Town Hall
Royal Tunbridge Wells






Sponsorship Inquiries:


Competition Inquiries:


Volunteering Inquiries:


Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom Committee 2021 - 2024

David Elliott — Chairman

Neil Jackson — Vice-Chairman

Justine Rutland — TWBC Cllr (Culverden Ward)

Katharina Mahler-Bech — Website/Twitter/Facebook

Peter Every — TWBC Parks Manager

Kasia Olszewska — TWBC Parks Technical Officer

Helen Timms — TWBC Parks

Steph Dowling — Kent High Weald Project

Jillian Ball — Camden Road Businesses


RTW in Bloom Committee 2014 - 2020

David Elliott — Chairman (TWBC Cllr, until 2019)

Neil Jackson — Vice-Chairman

Katharina Mahler-Bech — Website/Twitter/Facebook

Helen Timms — Secretary (TWBC Parks Administrator)

Peter Every — TWBC Parks Manager

Kasia Olszewska — TWBC Parks Technical Officer

Joy Podbury — TWBC Cllr, Deputy Mayor

Vikki Osbourne (Ian Johnstone) — KHWP

Jillian Ball — Camden Road Businesses


Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom Committee 2013

Ronen Basu — Chairman,
TWBC Cllr (Culverden Ward)

Katharina Mahler-Bech — Marketing/Website

Mel Henley — (TWBC) Judging/Competition

David Scully — (TWBC) Judging/Community

Helen Timms — (TWBC) Secretary

Peter Every — TWBC Parks Manager

Ian Johnstone — Kent High Weald Project

Ros Leach — Oakley School


Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom Committee 2010

Ronen Basu — Chairman,
TWBC Cllr (Culverden Ward)

Daniel Bech —
RTW Town Forum Community Champion

Christine Davies —
TW Rotary/Inner Wheel

Gill Field —
TW Girls Grammar School

Mel Henley — TWBC
Parks Manager

Kate Sergeant —
TW Transition Town

Christopher Thomas —
RTW Town Forum Chairman